Citizens Conventions

Involving citizens in public decision-making 

Date & duration: 2021 – 4 months

Skills: Interviews – User Research – Interaction Design – Mockup

Design of an overview of the current and potential roles of citizens in public decision-making. 

Creation of multiple solutions concretely involving citizens in public decision-making. 

In France, the Great National Debate and the Citizens’ Climate Convention, which both took place in 2019, have given a national dimension to citizen participation. Together with the design studio Vraiment Vraiment, we asked ourselves: 

What would a decision-making process truly involving citizens look like on a local, national or even larger scale? Is it possible to structurally rethink the place of citizens in public decision-making? How would these changes impact the expectations and practices of public decision makers?

Rethinking the interview process

Our research begins with creative inspirations, uses of citizens conventions throughout the world and a, analytical watch.

We then contacted many actors in public decision-making: participants in the Citizens’ Climate Convention, elected officials, participation professionals, etc. We designed our interview process to cover a wide field of exploration concerning citizen involvement in public decision making.